Notes from the Section Traffic Manager:


Looking for any historical notes you may have about any of the Nebraska Section Net’s. Please send me your articles, stories, remembrances, pictures or anecdotes you may have. We will add to the monthly summaries.

Please report your individual traffic monthly totals to me at: I also check in to several net’s daily, you can send to me on the net. I welcome your comments and suggestions.

Mike, NF0N


Eastern Nebraska Two Meter ARES Net

The Eastern Nebraska Two Meter ARES Net can be heard every night on the Lincoln Amateur Radio Clubs 146.760- KØKKV repeater at 21:00. You can also use 442.700+ using a 146.2Hz CTCSS tone.

Douglas County ARES Net

The Douglas County ARES Net can be heard every Sunday night at 21:00 on the Aksarben Amateur Radio Clubs 146.940- KØUSA repeater. 131.8Hz CTCSS tone.

Ashland Amateur Radio Club ARES Net

Wednesday: Brian F , KØFTZ 8PM

HF Net’s Across the Section of Nebraska

Daily- Morning Net 3.982KHz 07:30 / 12:30
Daily- Cornhusker Net 3.982KHz 12:30 / 17:30
Daily- NE Forty Net 7.282KHz 13:00 / 18:00
Daily- NE Storm Net 3.982KHz 18:30 / 23:30 / 01:30
M-F- CW Traffic Net 3.540KHz 19:00 / 00:00
Daily- 160 Weather Net 1.995 19:30 / 01:30
M-S- West Nebraska Net 3.950 07:00 / 12:00
Saturday- Ne QCWA Net 3.982 08:30
Thursday- Ne QCWA CW Net 3.540 19:30 (slow)
Sun- WØIRZ Memorial ARES Net 3.982 08:30

Wires X Repeater Network Net’s

Net’s on the Wires X Repeater network can be heard on many repeaters across the section. These repeaters are connected via the Yaesu System Fusion. Some repeaters are C4FM Digital and most are analog. Click Here>> Wires X Repeater Network to find a repeater near you.

Monday: Elkhorn Valley ARC 7:30 PM
Tuesday: Nebraska-RagChew Net 7:30 PM
Wednesday: Dodge County ARES Net 7:00 PM
Wednesday: Dakota County ARC 8:00 PM
Wednesday: Dakota County ARES (after DCARC net)

Other  NETS

NON ARES SIMPLEX Net  Monday's, 8:00 pm. on 146.550 (alternate 146.580)    (Lincoln Area) KØASH 145.310-  After net

Monday net on 3.982 at 6:00 (18:00) CDT 23:00 UTC 

WØAPQ Sideband Net 2M 144.260Mhz USB 8PM Sunday Nights